Lecture 34
Qi Wang, Department of Statistics
Nov 12, 2018
5 Number Summary is consist of Minimum, $Q_1$, Median, $Q_3$, Maximum
Here are Bob's last 20 golf scores, beginning with his last score: $$69, 73, 77, 77, 80, 76, 75, 77, 78, 78, 77, 81,82, 75, 79, 76, 83, 77, 80, 84$$ Calculate the 5 number summary
Boxplot is a graphic depiction of the 5 number summary
Step 1, 2, 3 are the same, BUT we indicate the outliers with a $o$ or a $\star$. Then draw the line from the ends of the box ot the highest or lowest data point that is NOT an outlier. Most software generate boxplots are modified boxplots.